Saturday, November 14, 2015

This is me. All the crazy, messy, and fucking fabulous moments.

A little bit about me – 

I met my husband in February of 2013 at a Anaheim Ducks event at Wing Stop. By  July we were living together and by November we were engaged. One year later we were married November 8th 2014. We are the epitome of when you know, you just know. 

I got pregnant at age 27 exactly two days after I got married. Yup, a honeymoon baby. My son was planned although we had no idea it would happen so soon. I was told at age 18 that I had endometriosis, which I believe was a misdiagnosis, and that there was a possibility that I would have difficulties getting pregnant. Well that could not have been further from the truth. I went off my birth control two weeks before my wedding and my son Henry was conceived the very first day of the honeymoon. I have always been pretty healthy, slightly overweight but nothing my doctors were ever concerned about. Since we were planning on having a baby I went on prenatal vitamins about three months prior to my wedding, quit smoking, and cut back on my drinking. Everything seemed normal until I was 8 months pregnant, but I’ll go over that a little later on. 

Pregnancy is amazingly beautiful and awful all at once and no one ever tells you what to really expect. And although I am only a little over three months into motherhood I can honestly say I never knew a person could be this happy. I love my life but with all the ups that life brings a down will certainly be creeping around close by. And in my case, with every positive there usually is a pretty big fucking negative to smack me back to reality. The posts that will follow are my experiences that I believe need to be shared. We don't all have drugless labor that results in a perfectly healthy baby. Natural birth is not always an option and postpartum depression can happen to anyone. Being pregnant can be miserable and being a parent can be extremely difficult. It's up to you to figure out how to make it all worthwhile. 

This is the shit that no one tells you.

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