As the new year ever so slowly yet incredibly quickly all at the same time approaches so does the time of reflection. As the days and nights creep by that 2016 in the distance gets increasingly closer and people tend to look back on their year. We all make fun of those stupid resolutions that no one actually keeps, and yet, don’t we all continue to make them?
My year started off well enough. I was a newlywed that just found out I was pregnant. I had a few mishaps and bumps in the road, if you will. Some negatives that are still lodged in my brain as if I was cramming for a midterm. In general I think I had a pretty good year though. The birth of my son, although a little nerve wracking for a bit, was quite possibly the best thing that has ever happened to me. My marriage, of course, is a close second. The negative things and people that have surrounded me during my stay in the year 2015 have affected me – I’m not going to lie. While reflecting back on the year and looking forward to the things to come I’ve come to one very important conclusion. Girls suck. Well, okay I already knew that…and please ladies, don’t get your panties in a wad. Admit it. We, as females, suck. We are against each other from day one (keep an eye out for my next post) and we will stop at nothing to make sure that all the other females know exactly what they are missing.
Please, don’t deny it because we have all done it. Now only the incredibly bitchy will come right out and say “I’m better than you” most of us stick the subtler approach. Mothers – “Oh, you didn’t a flu shot!” Pregnant ladies – “I can’t believe you would eat/drink/wear/do THAT while you’re pregnant” Single ladies – “I would never date someone like that” Ugh, I could go on and on. We are each SO much better than each other. You can see my Guilt Trippers post for more examples if you need them.
This year alone I had multiple “women” try to tear me down. First I had the family member that felt my pregnancy was somehow ruining hers so she felt the need to either ignore mine or ruin mine, I guess it all depended on how she felt that day. Then stranger who’s marriage was falling apart so she felt the need to go after mine. There was the good friend that decided to turn a miniscule problem between significant others into our problem which ultimately led to a diminished friendship. To be fair…I didn’t really like her boyfriend so I guess that couldn’t really go far. And of course, there were multiple issues that are barely a blip on my radar but led to the heart stopping unfriending on Facebook – that went both ways though. I’m the first to admit that I have never really gotten along with girls. I never knew what it was but I just always got along better with men because they were less drama. When in fact, that is not actually true. Any “guys girl” can tell you that there is a shit load of drama with men…they just handle it better. And by handle it I mean 99.99% of the time they keep it bottle up and until someone punches the other one and all is well with the world…maybe not the punching.
As I sat here mentally filing away all of the girl drama from the past year and then slowly remembering all the garbage throughout the year, I couldn’t help but come to the conclusion that I must be the problem. Until I thought about all the friendships I’ve had with men over the year (important to note that I said friendships and NOT relationships because that is a WHOLE other level of drama) and decided that we as a female species are in fact the problem. Sure, there may be a few girls that can get along just fine but if you really think about it you can remember talking shit even about your bestest friend in the whole wide world. We are not meant to like each other. I will even go as far to say that we are raised to hate each other.
To be continued…